- Cover & Contents Page
- 403 - 408 Preliminary observations on biology of a man-and cattle-biting Phlebotomus major major and a cave dwelling Phlebotomus stantoni under laboratory conditions
- 409 - 419 Xenobiotic-induced expression of detoxification genes, CYP4H28v2 and CYP4H31v2 in the dengue mosquito Aedes aegypti
- 420 - 427 Larval Distributions and breeding habitats of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Kuala Terengganu
- 428 - 436 Prevalence of intestinal protozoan infections and association with hygiene knowledge among primary school children in Salahutu and Leihitu districts, Central Maluku regency, Indonesia
- 437 - 445 Two new species of coccidia, Eimeria pavota and Eimeria egyptica parasitic in white peacocks, Pavo cristatus (Galliformes: Phasianidae) in Egypt
- 446 - 461 Susceptibility status of field populations of Rhipicephalus bursa (Acari: Ixodidae) to pyrethroid insecticides
- 462 - 468 Susceptibility status of field populations of Rhipicephalus bursa (Acari: Ixodidae) to pyrethroid insecticides
- 469 - 475 Prevalence of leptospirosis in healthy dogs and dogs with kidney disease in Klang Valley, Malaysia
- 476 - 485 Prevalence of virulent resistant Salmonella enterica strains from sushi and sashimi samples in Malaysia
- 486 - 493 Drug resistance mutations among virological failure HIV-1 infected patients in Malaysia
- 494 - 499 Canine myiasis by Lucilia eximia
- 500 - 505 Species composition and level of infestation of cockroaches in three areas in Hanoi
- 506 - 511 Tick diversity and detection of Coxiella burnetii in tick of small ruminants using nested Trans PCR in Southeast Iran
- 512 - 518 Current knowledge of dengue pathogenesis and potential role of Carica papaya and vitamins in dengue fever
- 519 - 525 Thrombocytopenia and anemia related to retinal detachment in dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys
- 526 - 534 Acute Strongyloides venezuelensis infection did not prevent EAE development: implications for hygiene hypothesis
- 535 - 542 Classification, capsular PCR typing and genetic diversity of Pasteurella multocida isolated from sheep and goats in Iran using Bam HI, Hind III restriction endonuclease enzymes by PCR-RFLP
- 543 - 560 Genetic variation of the mitochondrial genes, CO1 and ND5, in Aedes aegypti from various regions of peninsular Malaysia
- 561 - 569 The divergence pattern of Trichinella spiralis isolates from China revealed by mitochondrial and ribosomal markers
- 570 - 576 Immune effects of a precocious line of Eimeria necatrix with different doses and at different immunization times
- 577 - 582 Research Note - A Report of Vancomycin-susceptible, Teicoplanin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis ST6 in Malaysia
- 583 - 588 Research Note - Distribution and abundance of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in recreation parks in Selangor State, Peninsular Malaysia
- 589 - 593 Research Note - Isolation and Identification of an Emerging Pathogen, Kocuria marina, from Rattus rattus diardii
- 594 - 598 Tresearch Note - Titiwangsa Lake a source of urban parasitic contamination
- i. Editorial board and Concil members