- Cover Page
- 587-593 Test for association between dieldrin resistance and 2La inversion polymorphism in Anopheles coluzzii from Lagos, Nigeria
- 594-603 Occurrence of gastrointestinal nematodes in captive nonhuman primates at Matang Wildlife Centre, Sarawak
- 604-609 Toxoplasma gondii infection in native village chickens (Gallus domesticus) in Selangor and Melaka, Malaysia
- 610-619 Perennial malaria transmission and its association with rainfall at Kalahandi district of Odisha, Eastern India: A retrospective analysis
- 620-629 Urinary tract infection and non-ruptured acute appendicitis association: Uro-pathogens findings
- 630-639 Species richness of scavenger insects on different carcass types
- 640-653 Age estimation of forensically important blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae) pupae using micro-computed tomography imaging
- 654-663 Utility of recombinant LipL41 based IgM and IgG ELISA in diagnosis of canine leptospirosis in an endemic area – a study from Kerala, India
- 664-676 The health burden of malaria and household choices regarding treatment and prevention in Pakistan
- 677-686 Comparison of mini-flotac and Kato-Katz methods for detecting soil-transmitted helminth eggs in 10% formalin preserved stools stored >12 months
- 687-693 Screening of nematophagous-fungi from fresh faeces of grazing animals and soils
- 694-702 Prevalence and risk factors of Toxoplasma infection – an update in Malaysian pregnant women
- 703-708 Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II association in chronic hepatitis B patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in a Malay population: A pilot study
- 709-717 Knowledge, attitude and health seeking practice on bats-borne diseases among residents of Tioman Island, Malaysia
- 718-725 Human intestinal protozoa in fresh asparagus from different types of markets in northwest Mexico
- 726-741 Validation of Bifurcohaptor spp. (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) reported from India using molecular methods with inclusion of insilico study: A brief report on its host-specificity
- 742-757 Evidence of natural infections with Trypanosoma, Anaplasma and Babesia spp. in military livestock from Tunisia
- 758-765 Molecular identification of ticks infesting camels and the detection of their natural infections with Rickettsia and Borrelia in Riyadh province, Saudi Arabia
- 766-775 Detection and differentiation of opportunistic viral infections potentially contributing to renal graft rejection by tetraplex-nested PCR
- 776-791 Anti-malarial and cytokine-modulating effects of andrographolide in a murine model of malarial infection
- 792-802 Primary assessment of a T. spiralis putative serine protease for early serological detection of experimental richinellosis
- 803-809 The first serological report for genotype C bovine parainfluenza 3 virus in ruminant species of mid-northen Turkey: Traces from the past
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