Malaysian Society of Parasitology & Tropical Biomedicine
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001 - 012 Plasmodium knowlesi in humans: a review on the role of its vectors in Malaysia
013 - 018 Prevalence of canine ehrlichiosis in Perak State, peninsular Malaysia
019 - 029 Evaluation of difference in the neurotoxicity produced by dermal application of chlorpyrifos on the neonatal and adult mice
030 - 032 Serological prevalence of leptospiral infection in wild rats at the National Service Training Centres in Kelantan and Terengganu
033 - 040 Categorization of potential breeding sites of dengue vectors in Johor, Malaysia
041 - 046 Lymphatic filariasis in children: age dependent prevalence in an area of India endemic for Wuchereria bancrofti infection
047 - 053 Molecular identification of mosquito vectors using genomic DNA isolated from eggshells, larval and pupal exuvium
054 - 059 Comparison of conventional versus real-time PCR detection of Brugia malayi DNA from dried blood spots from school children in a low endemic area
060 - 067 Plasmodium falciparum 19 kDa of merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-119) expressed in Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) is reactive with an inhibitory but not a blocking monoclonal antibody
068 - 078 Role of community empowerment in the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in south India
079 - 088 Identification of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites in fresh stool sample: comparison of three staining techniques and study on the viability period of the trophozoites
089 - 102 Immune response of BALB/c mice against an experimental vaccine of Alum precipitated autoclaved Leishmania major (Alum-ALM) mixed with BCG or Mycobacterium vaccae
103 - 114 Interspecific competition between the Smooth cockroach Symploce pallens and the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) under different food and water regimes
115 - 119 Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection in a diabetic patient: Case report
120 - 124 Longstanding skin ulcers due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a healthy man
125 - 130 Optimization of Toxoplasma gondii cultivation in VERO cell line
131 - 133 A report on the pupae of Desmometopa sp. (Diptera: Milichiidae) recovered from a human corpse in Malaysia
134 - 137 Morphological descriptions of second and third instar larvae of Hypopygiopsis violacea Macquart (Diptera: Calliphoridae), a forensically important fly in Malaysia
138 - 142 New mosquito species records (Diptera: Culicidae) from Singapore
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