Malaysian Society of Parasitology & Tropical Biomedicine
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Editorial and Committee Members
200 - 206 Determining the prevalence of intestinal parasites in three Orang Asli (Aborigines) communities in Perak, Malaysia
207 - 211 Prevalence and risk factors of Pediculus (humanus) capitis Anoplura: Pediculidae), in primary schools in Sanandaj City, Kurdistan Province, Iran
212 - 219 Investigation of toxin genes among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from a tertiary hospital in Malaysia
220 - 223 Pulmonary sparganosis mansoni: A case report
224 - 230 A case report of Hymenolepis diminuta infection in a Malaysian child
231 - 238 Prevalence of multidrug resistance Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli in chickens slaughtered in selected markets, Malaysia
239 - 253 Immunogenicity of recombinant BCG-based vaccine expressing the 22 kDa of serine repeat antigen (SE22) of Plasmodium falciparum
254 - 264 Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Thai oral streptococci, lactobacilli and pediococci
265 - 269 First record in South Asia of deer throat bot fly larvae Pharyngomyia picta (Meigen, 1824) (Diptera: Oesteridae) from Sambar deer (Rusa unicolor), a new host record
270 - 276 Penicilliosis in lupus patients presenting with unresolved fever: A report of 2 cases and literature review
277 - 285 Malaria outbreak in a non endemic tribal block of Balasore district, Orissa, India during summer season
286 - 296 Larvicidal activity of a toxin from the seeds of Jatropha curcas Linn. against Aedes aegypti Linn. and Culex quinquefasciatus Say
297 - 300 Occurrence of killer yeasts in isolates of clinical origin
301 - 303 The dog louse Heterodoxus spiniger from stray cats in Penang, Malaysia
304 - 307 Oxyspiruriasis in zoo birds
308 - 310 The cat fur mite, Lynxacarus radovskyi Tenorio, 1974 (Acarina: Astigmata: Listrophoridae) from cat, Felis catus in peninsular Malaysia
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