

Theme: Vector & Parasite: Awareness Among the Community
Date: 4 Nov 2022 (Friday)
Time: 10:00am – 12:15pm
Venue: School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Dr. Lee Ii Li
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS)

Topic 1: Blastocystis: a waterborne parasite
Topic 2: Awareness on Participation in Non-Government Agencies (NGO)

Brief Bio:
Dr. Lee Ii Li, a Senior Lecturer of the Kulliyyah of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah (UniSHAMS) obtained her BSc (Biochemistry), MMedSc (Biochemistry of Natural Plant Products) and PhD (Waterborne Parasitology) from the Universiti Malaya. She researches on Blastocystis as a waterborne parasite since 2008 in the Department of Parasitology, Universiti Malaya and continues the effort in UniSHAMS (formerly known as INSANIAH University College) from 2013 onwards. She detected Blastocystis in rivers within Malaysia and Nepal, which were published in WOS cited journals. She is currently serving as the honorary secretary for Malaysian Society for Parasitology & Tropical Medicine (MSPTM).

Ts. Dr. Chen Chee Dhang
Senior Research Officer Q54
Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya

Topic 1: Use of Household Insecticide Products: Is the Awareness in Place?
Topic 2: Industrial Training Opportunities in Universiti Malaya

Brief Bio:
Dr. Chen Chee Dhang is currently serving as the Head of Research Officer Grade Q54 in Universiti Malaya. Dr. Chen also the President of the Malaysian Society of Parasitology & Tropical Medicine; and President of the Universiti Malaya Administrator Association. In the research arena, Dr. Chen is a Medical Entomologist and conducts research in Medical and Forensic Entomology. His main research interests are Vector Control (on mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches); and Insecticide resistance. Currently, Dr. Chen is actively involved in nationwide dengue awareness programmes. Dr. Chen has authored 160 publications in international and local scientific journals and presented more than 200 research papers in local and international conferences. He has won numerous awards, notably Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian 2017; Malaysian Public University Administrator Award on Research, Publication and Community Services in 2018, 2020 and 2022, respectively; and United Nations Sustainable Development Award 2019.


MSPTM 2023 Conference


SENIOR CITIZEN (age > 60)MYR 500.00

1.This is a fully physical/in person meeting. There shall be no broadcasting/ livestreaming during the conference.

2. Full registration fee includes all the scientific sessions, conference materials, access to exhibition area, networking dinner, refreshment breaks and lunches according to the conference programme.

3. Fees for accommodation, airport transfer, flights and tours are NOT included in the registration fees.

4. Participants may register via online registration at

5. Online registration is only open until 20 Feb 2023 by 5pm (GMT +8hrs).

6. The conference accepts full payment of registration fee via online bank transfer, online credit card payment and ePerolehan. Payment via ePerolehan is only applicable to Malaysian government agencies. Full payment must be received latest by 20 Feb 2023 by 5pm (GMT +8hrs).

7. Confirmation letter of registration will be sent via email upon full payment of the registration fee received. Please bring along the confirmation letter and present it at the registration counter during the Conference.

8. The Organiser reserves the rights, and will inform Participants on any alteration to any of the arrangements for the Conference including the cancellation of the event should unforeseen circumstances require such action. In the special circumstances that the entire event has to be cancelled, the Organiser will refund the registration fee to the Participant. Any charges imposed by banks and Credit Card issuers will be borne by the Registrants. The Organiser will not be liable for any other associated costs and any inconveniences incurred to the Participants due to the cancellation. Therefore, Participants are advised to arrange for their own travel insurance.

9. The Organiser reserves the right to make changes were deemed necessary, with or without prior notice to parties concerned. All disputes are subjected to the Malaysian Law.

10. Submission of the registration and abstract submission form indicates the submitter has agreed to all the terms & conditions with regards to the conference registrations and abstract submissions as listed on the conference website (

11. All paid registrations are transferrable on or before 20 Jan 2023. Transfer requests must be made by e-mail to the Conference Secretariat at [email protected]. The new Participant should complete the registration form and revert to us by 20 Jan 2023. Transfer of registration will not be allowed on or after 21 Jan 2023.

12. All cancellation of registration must be done in writing and submitted to the Conference Secretariat at [email protected] on or before 15 Jan 2023 to receive a full refund. Please note that administration fee of MYR150 will be charged. Cancellation made after 15 Jan 2023 or ‘no show’ is liable for FULL registration fee.

13. All refunds will be made in MYR at the prevailing foreign exchange rate.

14. Refund for cancellations will be made within two months after the Conference.

15. Any charges imposed by banks and Credit Card issuers will be borne by the Registrants.

Letter of Invitation (for Visa Application)

1. Registrants must possess a valid passport or other internationally recognised travel documents endorsed for travelling to Malaysia, with a validity period of at least six (6) months beyond the time of stay allowed in Malaysia. Registrants may request the Visa Invitation Request Form by email to [email protected]. Please note that it is the sole responsibility of the Registrant to obtain the necessary paperwork for entry into Malaysia. The invitation letter will only be provided to Registrants who has registered and paid in full for the Conference. This letter will facilitate but does not guarantee that you will be granted a visa.

2. Visa requirements are dependent on the country of origin and last port of disembarkation before entering Malaysia. For detailed information on visa applications, please visit: . Registrants can also contact the nearest Malaysian consulate to confirm visa requirements.



Abstract Topics

The Conference will focus on Parasitology, Tropical Medicine and other Infectious Diseases with the following themes:

1. Malaria
2. Dengue
3. Covid-19
4. Emerging Zoonoses
5. Antibiotic Resistance
6. Insecticide Resistance
7. Veterinary Parasitology
8. Vector Biology & Control
9. Neglected Tropical Diseases
10. Medical & Forensic Entomology
11. Medical Microbiology & Parasitology
12. Aquatic, Exotic & Wildlife Diseases
13. General Topics

Mode of Presentation

Abstract submitters may choose their preferred method of presentation upon abstract submission. However, the final decision lies with the Scientific Committee. All abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to an appropriate session. Authors of the accepted abstracts will be notified of the mode of presentations as follow:


● Oral Presentation:
Total 10 minutes will be allotted for Oral Presentation, inclusive of 8 minutes presentation in themed session + 2 minutes question & answer.
Presenters must submit presentation slides in MS. Power Point format (.ppt or .pptx) with on screen show 16:9 (landscape) to the conference secretariat (via email to: [email protected]) by 5pm on 1 March 2023. Presenter must present onsite during the conference.


● Rapid Oral Presentation:
Total 5 minutes will be allotted for Oral Presentation, inclusive of 3 minutes presentation in themed session + 2 minutes question & answer.
Presenters must submit presentation slides in MS. Power Point format (.ppt or .pptx) with on screen show 16:9 (landscape) to the conference secretariat (via email to: [email protected]) by 5pm on 1 March 2023. Presenter must present onsite during the conference.


● Rapid Oral Presentation – Student Competition:
Total 4 minutes will be allotted for Rapid Oral Presentation – Student Competition, inclusive of 3 minutes presentation in themed session + 1 minute question & answer to be conducted only by the judges.
Presenters must submit one presentation slide in MS. Power Point format (.ppt or .pptx) with on screen show 16:9 (landscape) to the conference secretariat (via email to: [email protected]) by 5pm on 1 March 2023.
Presenter must present onsite during the conference.


● Poster Presentation:
Presenters are required to submit physical poster on the event day upon registration.
The poster size shall be A0 (84.1cm x 118.9 cm) in format and portrait in orientation.

Submission Guidelines

Guidelines and Terms & Conditions for Abstract Submissions
1. Submissions should be sent electronically via the conference website ONLY.
2. Submissions should be written in English with a maximum of 250 words.
3. Each presenter may submit one abstract.
4. Abstract must be submitted in both Microsoft Word (.doc/ .docx) and PDF (.pdf) formats.
5. Submissions should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar before submission as they will be reproduced as submitted by the author.
6. Changes will not be entertained once the abstract has been submitted.
7. Submitters are advised to seek assistance to proof read the abstract if English is not their first language.
8. It is the sole responsibility of the authors to ensure accuracy of scientific content and language.
9. The abstract should not contain graphics or references.
10. Please use abbreviations with restraint.


Consent, Permission & Copyright:
Submitters must conform to the following:
1. To accept responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract and understand that amendment is not allowed once it is submitted and information provided will be published exactly as submitted.
2. All co-authors are aware of and give consent to the content of the abstract and data presented before it is submitted. The submitter accepts responsibility as the contact person for all correspondence about the abstract and to share information with all authors about its status.
3. Submission of abstracts implies the author’s agreement to publish the abstract in all Conference publications including the website, i.e. submitters are responsible to secure any copyright/permissions clearance required relating to any previous presentations, equipment or other material for inclusion in the MSPTM 2023 Annual Scientific Conference publications.
4. Submitters are responsible to obtain permission from any relevant regulatory authority and obtain consent where appropriate.
5. Submitters are responsible to ensure the work is original and that it does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary or personal right of party.
6. Submitters are responsible to identify and sort out any potential conflicts of interest e.g. financial interest in products or processes described in the presentation materials, stock ownership, and membership on an advisory board or board of directors or other substantive relationships.
7. Submission of the online Registration and Abstract Submission form indicates the submitter has agreed to all the terms & conditions with regards to the conference registrations and abstract submissions as listed on the conference website (


Condition of Acceptance
It is a pre-requisite of the acceptance of the abstract that the submitter must register to attend the Conference in person (physical attendance). Abstracts submitted before payment of registration are eligible for an offer of acceptance. However, final acceptance requires registration with full payment by 20 Feb 2023 at 5pm.

Abstract Format

Abstract format:
Abstract Title:
Calibri, font size 12, bold, centre alignment, sentence case.


Authors & Co-authors:
Calibri, font size 11, centre alignment
Underline the name of the first author.
Superscript with number to indicate affiliations of each author.
Superscript with “*” to indicate corresponding author.


Calibri, font size 10, Italic, align left
Superscript with number to indicate affiliations of each author.


Abstract Content:
Calibri, font size 11, justify alignment, not more than 250 words.
The abstract content should be informative and stand alone in its content and meaning. It should include a brief introduction, methods used, key results, brief discussion and a conclusion.